Pocasset Ridge, Tiverton, RI

Pocasset Ridge is a fifty-foot cliff in Tiverton that was climbed by the AMC in the 1930s.  It was bolted in the 1990s by local climbers from Roger Williams University. There were eight bolted routes but the bolts were chopped in 2002 and some of the routes re-bolted in 2019-20. You can see the cliff on the east side of Main Road in the winter. It was private property but is now owned by the Tiverton Land Trust property and maintained as a "wild place".  Climbing is probably not allowed but it is not specifically banned. Right now it is don't ask, don't tell. The rock is primarily slabby and is shaded by trees so it is covered in lichen. There could be some fun climbing here if it was cleaned up with more traffic but more traffic would bring more notice of climbers and could get climbing banned. It it too bad as this is probably the tallest cliff in Rhode Island. If you climb here keep a low profile and keep ropes in your pack until at the cliff. And bring a wire brush. 

Center Slab -- Easy 5.6ish leads on gear by wandering around the face.

Right Slab -- left 5.8, right 5.10d

Arete on far left -- Fun lead 5.6